And this is my finger after the basketball on Monday (sprain)
The Blueberry Shake I ordered in Gasoline
Jeff and JiaWei 6.45am going > And1. ( Sleepy)
Well my finger is still very 'fat'. It is still not fully recover yet. Ahhh, I regret that I went for the rebound...
What happened today..
A spyware pop up from no where and then my laptop is feel with that. -.-' My anti-virus didn't work though. So i decided to ask HannJian because I'm bored and hopefully he know something about it. Well I called him and I start off with do you have any good antivirus? Then he reply about some ideas and antivirus. After that i asked him Do you know who am I? ( I was expecting him to said benjamin but...) then he said JeeYong ah? Then I decided to continued this prank. So I went into more info then I tell him i am benjamin. He was like shock then he don't believe, then i said i am KaiSheng. THEN ONLY HE REALIZED I AM BENJAMIN! Omg HannJian I'm disappointed.
After Dinner
Yay, no need to wash dishes because of my finger! benji is a very helpful man in the house, he helped his mother to wash dishes, throw rubbish, sweep or mop the floor, off the light when she sleep, carry stuff, hang or keep the clothes and many more. So today it was a day off for me xD. Well Today is sooooo boring!
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