Crisis Core

Crisis Core

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

What more I can say?

Did you guys read the newspaper? Yes, the most catchy article. The PAS YOUTH is gonna ban Rihanna from coming to Malaysia. As you all know, Rihanna will be coming over here to have a concert on February. The reason why they are banning her is because she wear sexy outfit and this concert will lead to eastern culture insult. WHAT MORE I CAN SAY>? Wearing a sexy outfit is wrong? What the hell.. They even tried to ban Avril Lavigne last time and they fined the Pussycat Dolls too for wearing sexy outfit in their concert. What i really want to say was, if this continue. Those singer and bands are not coming to Malaysia anymore... What are they trying to do man? Even if you stop the concert can't they just google and search for Rihanna's video? And wouldn't it be the same??? Cmon, think wisely.. Are they gonna ban even more things? They even banned Yoga, what's next? Koko Crunch? Kit Kat? Hello Kitty? or Ben 10? I am really disappointed even though i am not really into Rihanna.

Let me finished those belated b'day too.

Happy Belated Birthday to
Kevin Yesterday
Darryl Yap 5th of January
Wai Ghee 18th of January

for those i forgotten I'm sorry~

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